Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Who benefits from this: Trump and others he is working with.
Who have you also heard discuss this: anyone who has ever worked for or with the park service as well as many people who have visited parks or ever seen the beauty that lies within each of these parks.

What in another perspective: Trumps and the oil rig, or the nps and others, and saving the parks.“Here’s a suggestion: Go rogue, you lovable park rangers and biologists; tell the truth about science, you nerds in funny hats and badges. Let Trump’s thought police come after you at Golden Gate for tweeting that “2016 was the hottest year on record for the third year in a row.” Oh, the audacity of science!” (Egan) and this has happened there is now the AltNPS which is a group rebelling against Trump and wanting to do what is best for the park's, many rangers and parks have joined this movement.
What is getting in the way of our action: Trump and the fact that as president he can do anything.

Where in the world would this be a problem: anywhere there is a park that people visit to learn or enjoy the sights and learning opportunity.
Where can we get more information: online by talking with others following news and Trump.

When would this cause a problem: NOW!!! It’s a problem now and will continue to be as things progress.
When can we expect the change: it’s working on currently but the full change will be in the future we don’t have a for sure date as to when exactly or we would try to postpone it as much as possible.

Why is this a problem/challenge:  it’s not necessarily a change for the better just a change for a personal reason and gain.
Why should people know about this: to help combat it and see what we can do to change as well as informing others about it so that they can help as well.

How does this disrupt things: habitats of animals, the beauty, the overall work style of the parks.
How do we see this in the future: no longer protected parks oil rigs and drills where ever Trump wants them or we could try to get these things stopped so the parks can stay as they are now.

“But what are we to do when the edict to lie or suppress is about a foreign threat? A reason to go to war? Or job numbers that don’t fit a rosy scenario? When that happens, look to the Park Service to clarify that those are tears, not raindrops, on the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty.”(Eagan)

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