Thursday, April 27, 2017

6 Words, 6 Ways

We had one more assignment in class so I am posting that because it was interesting. I want all my readers to go over the bolded words they are the prompt using only 6 words describe each of these prompts. I'm excited for you to see what you come up with whether I find out or not. Enjoy mine.

Story of my life so far: Amazing, continuous, more school, just starting.

What I have learned about me this year: I’m persistent, hard worker, bad procrastinator.  

My favorite place: Timpanogos, beauty, long summer days, hiking.

Something I learned in this class (English): How to write, research, and teamwork!

My future-what’s next: School, graduation, a job, and family.

Why words are important: Show meaning, convey feeling, move readers.

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