Thursday, March 9, 2017

Blog Issue: AltNPS

There is a new group on social media calling themselves the AltNPS. They post things to help us keep in the loop about what is going on with Trump and the National Parks as well as their opinions. Although they are informative they seem to be a bit one sided and try to make it hard to see what it the real truth rather than fabricated thoughts and words from both sides. Although they do give some good insights from the park perspective on how things will change and what damage will be done if Trump continues with plans he has right now. But we should keep an eye out for both sides of the issue and see what doesn't match up then we know something is going on. They post telling the readers to call up their statesman and are always informing us of which parks are now joining the resistance. They did it they are the ones that have started the resistance who would have guessed that it would be park rangers. 

Image result for AltNPS memes

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